4/11/12 12:00AM
If my life’s path ever brings me to pillow manufacturing, you can be damn sure that my company’s will be named Horsefeathers. Hell, even if I don’t, an imaginary pillow company named Horsefeathers is just as intriguing. Plus, the prospect of Horsefeathers not being real adds a whole slacker-fever-dream vibe, and along with it, a “totally” intentional deeper reading of the strip.
As much as I love horsefeathers and poppycock as synonyms for nonsense, they both pale in comparison to hogwash, and its implication that a hog washing is itself implausible.
Your gracious purveyor of hogwash,
I’ve washed several hogs before, and it is actually quite easy. As for horsefeathers, well… poor Pegasus. Poor, poor, Pegasus. Well good pillows and good glue.
Also, what is with the left hand shake?
Man, good catch. I didn’t notice. Left hand’s reserved for wiping, right?
Absolutely… but if I didn’t have the eye for detail, I could have never BS’d my way through undergrad.
I need more opportunities to win Nipple Points! I’ve been sitting on five since last September!
Check out the last comicky thing. As a wordsmith yourself, you may stand a real chance at earning the elusive nipples points.