

Babloons comic
[[Skip from above]] Skip: Hello and welcome to the only game show where contestants battle to balance the books. [[Showing accountants/contestants at stands]] Skip: All for a chance at the cash and prizes hidden in a cage of wild baboons. [[closeup of Skip], giving a winning gleaming smile] Skip: I'm your host, Skip Diddly, and this is... [[Babloons]] Skip: In the Red

7/3/11 3:00AM

Will’s high school circle of friends developed such an insular argot that Will has trouble differentiating between clique and common vernacular. Through painstaking research I’ve learned that what he calls a “Skip Diddly” is no more than your common heel click. For a while there, I assumed Skip was some beloved game show host. And like that, poof, this strip was born.

Despite an influx of new readers over the past week, it seems people are scared to compete with the humor/sass of the scant few who comment. I promise, if you use a fake name, you can be as unfunny or critical as you like, and we can’t hunt you down. So hit us with your best shot.



7/3/11 1:06PM

Just realized: this isn’t the first time we’ve milked monkey butt for humor.  What sort of one trick pony are we riding here?
