

Ornithology comic
[[car about to be hit by train, split up by four panels. only car visible. train just visible in last. ]] Person 1: Look! Up in the sky! Person 2: It's a bird! Person 3: It's a plane! Person 4: Nope. Person 4: It was a bird.

2/10/16 9:50AM

When we write a joke like this, I often search the internet far and wide to make sure I can’t find it easily elsewhere. In this case, I searched near and narrow because I’m sure I would.

The car on the tracks is meant to play like a horizontal version of Disneyworld’s Haunted Mansion elevator. Which reminds me, I really want to go back to the most magical and cheesiest place on earth. Which reminds me, I made a poor life decision in dating a Disney-hating motion-sickness-inclined villain.

Nipples Out,